Tag Archives: FRANKY

Artfields and Raleigh’s “Art on the Move”

Artfields Entry 2015

Artfields Entry 2015: “The Dark Chamber”

You’d think that winter would be cold…NO WAY!  It’s heating up, and FAST! There are two major events happening with my artwork this spring:

First, my painting: “The Dark Chamber” will be part of the Artfields Art Festival in Lake City, South Carolina!  The show is a 9 day event that will run from Friday, April 24th through Saturday, May 2nd (the last day of the festival).  I will be competing for prize money as well as selling my artwork.  There’s several prizes available: $50,000.00 first place prize by POPULAR VOTE, a $25,000.00 judged prize, a $12,500 POPULAR VOTE 2D (painting) prize and TEN / $1,000.00 honorable mention prizes!  You have to register at the event to vote for my piece (sorry, no internet voting from afar!)- so if you can make it down there, I’d appreciate it!  I’m looking forward to going to the event and meeting the public.  There will be a place to pick up FREE 3D CHROMADEPTH GLASSES (each one is an “original” and will be SIGNED) to take home with you (while supplies last!)  If the painting wins the Grand Prize, I will no longer have the rights to sell the image, so if you want to get a print of it, you may want to visit: FINE ART AMERICA and get a print…before they’re gone!


1B_CAT-Banner_Driver_72 2B_CAT-Banner_Passenger_72

Second, during Raleigh’s ARTSPLOSURE (May 15th- 16th and 17th), my digital sketch will start to ride the streets of the city on the sides of a city bus, continuing on for the following six months!  I am one of 11 other artists chosen to have my artwork installed as part of their “ART ON THE MOVE” campaign, promoting their new branding of the city bus system:  CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT – CAT.  I chose a theme with the historical figure: Sir Walter Raleigh and included some compass roses, and oak leaves (it IS the “City of Oaks”). The 3D Chromadepth glasses still work on these images, you’ll just have to get a pair and catch that bus…wherever the route will be!  If I can find a venue that is interested in hosting a one of a kind resin painting based on these sketches, you may have a chance to see it in person and possibly purchase a FRANKY original!

I have another interesting possible commission on the horizon… but that posting will have to wait!

Hoping for warmer weather (so I can get painting again!)


“The Doctor is Here / Let Him Come!”

Franky - Doctor is in

“The Doctor is Here / Let Him Come!” / Stage 1


Here is a glimpse at the latest “Horror Genre” comic 3D Resin Painting I’m working on:  “The Doctor is Here / Let Him Come!”  I’m still deciding on the final title of the piece because I’m still working on the “backstory”.  You can start to see the different colors I’ll be using and I still need to do a resin pour on it.  I really enjoy the high contrast “butler” in the bottom left and the “blue girl” on the bottom right.


Hoping to get this one finished as I have 3 LARGE paintings still in the works…updates soon.